April was full of progress and fun! Read all about it below.
Students lead new food waste collection program
Columbus School For Girls (CSG) will begin their compost program with Middle School students this month. CSG has several girls active on the Compost Clubhouse youth team and has been collecting food waste in the prep kitchen for several months. The school plans to execute composting school-wide at the start of the new school year.
Student receives Community Champion Award
CiCi Jobe, a twelfth-grader at Coffman High School, is a wonderful, caring and responsible young lady! She is also the president of the Environmental Club at Dublin Coffman High School, where students learn about the importance of our environmental impact on the world and the many positive ways to help clean up our planet.
As an active member of Compost Clubhouse, CiCi helps educate students, teachers, administrators, family and friends on how, why and where to compost. She was also a featured teen speaker at the Mid-Ohio Regional Planning Council annual meeting where she shared her knowledge and enthusiasm for urban planning. Our world is in good hands with CiCi!

Happy Earth Day!
Compost Clubhouse enjoyed a gorgeous day for our annual Earth Day event — filling hundreds of buckets with fresh compost. The community was invited to bring their buckets and our youth team filled them up with compost on Saturday, April 23rd. This was a special day for all the local gardeners and a beautiful way for Compost Clubhouse to say “thank you” to our community for helping us save the planet.

What’s happening in your school cafeteria or sustainable club?
Reach out to see if Compost Clubhouse can help. Students lead the initiatives and more and more Columbus-area youth are choosing to practice daily food diversion. Youth leaders teach their schools and communities about this simple, healthy habit.